I literally said this yesterday, Lemmygrad is the instance preventing fascists from invading Lemmy, and they will never forgive us for it.

  • @ImOnADiet
    3111 months ago

    They’re never going to unblock us lol

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      2611 months ago

      We will declare PPW on beehaw until they agree to our demands if we have to /s

    • Black AOC
      2211 months ago

      Shit I hope they never do. We don’t need that kind of crackery in our eyeballs like that.

    • @tamagotchicowboy
      1411 months ago

      This is what I’m thinking, we can always roll accounts over there and slowly prod over there, Riviere’s painting of the jester antagonizing dogs over the wall comes to mind. That’s how it was on Reddit anyhow.