• @Shrike502
    2111 months ago

    And this is why I maintain that the yanks have at least somewhat succeeded in the goals for Ukraine. I understand that this story is propaganda, but it seems that the spooks have successfully created a rift between Russia and Ukraine, a rift that will take ages to heal. If it ever does.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      1611 months ago

      I think from the yanks perspective the main goal was to cleave Europe away from China and Russia. Europe was becoming rapidly integrated with Chinese manufacturing and reliant on Russia for energy. This was a disastrous scenario for US because ultimately the economy would dictate that Europe starts aligning towards the east. The war accomplished the primary goal of ensuring that Europe would not have friendly relations with Russia, and it remains to be seen if US will be able to cleave Europe away from China.

      • @kallisti
        511 months ago

        If it wasn’t obvious that was the US goal before, it became blindingly obvious when they sabotaged Nord Stream 2 pipelines.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          411 months ago

          Yeah, that was a dead giveaway of what US was trying to achieve.

    • @bleepingblorp
      811 months ago

      Well, they may have successfully created a rift between Russia and Europe, and Ukraine may even join NATO after they are in a state of peace (can’t join while at war). BUT…

      The US reaction to the Russian invasion has caused many nations to reconsider their relation to the West and act on their considerations. The BRICS expansion and introduction of a new monetary trade system will decouple the economies of numerous nations globally away from the US.

      European reaction to Russia has pushed Russia into a closer relationship with China, and since many AES states are also included the BRICS expansion this means Russia and the Russian people will adopt a more friendly attitude toward those governments… and their ideology. It will improve revolutionary conditions in Russia thus bringing them just that much closer to the re-establish of communism.

      This will also relate to other non-AES states involved in the BRICS expansion. It will be an easier prospect for nations that are already “pink” to go full red with less reliance on the US and closer relations with AES states. Full capitalist or monarchist states could also be pushed closer as well, even if it takes many more catalysts before they go even pink. One step at a time.

      Meanwhile, the economies of the US and Europe will suffer when their access to those markets becomes a bit more restricted or expensive. It won’t be cutting off all trade, sure. But with the West having less leverage in trade, BRICS participants can more readily enforce tariffs and other costs the US and West at large could once bully off the negotiations table. The prices of goods, including many imported agricultural goods, will increase as the capitalist class transfers the oppression they would’ve otherwise inflicted on their “trade partners” instead inward, driving up prices while continuing to stagnate (or even lower!) wages. Also many jobs which were reliant on that trade will vanish.

      That will increase revolutionary conditions here in the West by creating increased anger and frustration at the status quo. There will be more protests and thus opportunities for us commies to go and inform protest participants, who are clearly pissed and in an ideal place to learn about what Marxism and Marxist action can do for them and the communities they represent.

      At this point, the results of the war don’t matter so long as NATO doesn’t do the dumb and attack Russia directly. Nobody gains from a “Russian victory” really. Remember, Russia is still a very capitalist state, and Putin is still one of the wealthiest oligarchs there, and regularly imprisons LGBTQ+ people, as well as Communists. We aren’t rooting for a “Russian Victory” but rather a “NATO defeat”.

      We are getting our NATO defeat. The few countries which have joined or might join NATO as a result of this war are only signing themselves up for problems.

      Now the next step will be more crucial, because after the whimpering NATO dogs crawl away from this war with only words but no material gains, they’ll be looking at China next. NATO will do what it can to coax China into attacking Taiwan, or coaxing Taiwan into attacking China then turning around and blaming China. Even if the US government realizes they can’t win against China either and thus decide not to attack directly, the capitalists may use this as an excuse to attack other AES states in alignment with China. In those cases, the fortress must hold and we must do everything we can to support the peoples who have thrown off imperialist shackles.