when your reactor makes energy too cheap and you want more profit…

  • @redtea
    71 year ago

    This is even worse than it seems from the headline. It’s ultra cheap nuclear energy competing with ultra cheap hydro electric and solar.

    It does make sense to slow down the nuclear production if there’s an abundance of the hydro electric at certain times of year but for efficiency, not to maximise profits. At least we know why new nuclear power plants won’t be built.

    When the bacteria that was on the Mars rover evolves into sentient beings in a few hundred thousand years and the Martians travel to earth, they’re going to laugh at us. The main comparison will be with the dinosaurs, but they didn’t have a choice. Us, though, we’re sprinting head first into a climate catastrophe while we’re already have the tech to prevent it. Instead we’re choosing utterly meaningless profit.

    Humans are the most undialectical creatures. All this brain power and we willfully choose inertia – stopping still is literally the raison d’être of most mainstream capitalist parties. Even the ‘progressives’ brag about it and tell us, the people, that it’s what the people want.

    • @big_spoonOP
      31 year ago

      “we’re sprinting head first into a climate catastrophe while we’re already have the tech to prevent it” yup…" we’re choosing utterly meaningless profit" won’t someone think on the investors and their risk?