I understand fully that compulsory and guaranteed employment is both necessary and awesome in a socialist society in transition towards communism. But once communism has been fully achieved, would this compulsory employment still be a thing, especially since there is no currency that motivates many to work?

  • QueerCommie
    1 year ago

    Basically, once all the world is socialist my understanding is that labor will be increasingly automated, decreasing the work day, and eventually work will be fully optional. Didn’t Marx say something about work becoming life’s prime want? People will still do work as in making art or playing sports, but they will not be compelled to. And some people will probably always want to do regular jobs like nursing for example, and they will be allowed to. There will probably still be necessary labor, but as it is not coerced people will want to do it. For example: people like to code in their free time, and we will probably still need people that can manage the central planning organ, there will be people working that, not because they have to, but because they want to. People will have complete freedom of education and career (like capitalism falsely claims it has).