Not gonna lie, being in good faith, the Chinese government having a 90% approval rate looks sus, at least to a Westerner. The West looks at this and shouts “That means they are brainwashed!” which I don’t buy into. Yet that idea that all these anti-imperialist people are just brainwashed really, well, brainwashes a lot of people. How can this be countered?

  • @Munrock
    141 year ago

    I often use Cuba as the starting point and the litmus test. The absurdity of Havana Syndrome, the human rights violations in Guantanamo, the indefensibility of the Batista regime, the popularity of Cubans in Africa (esp the Mandela ♥ Castro arc), the work of Cuban doctors all over the world, their laws and legislation, and how unanimous the world is against the US blockade of Cuba.

    If they acknowledge the truth about Cuba, then they implicitly acknowledge the US aggression; The US lies carried by Western Media; the US cruelty in its blockade. And if they acknowledge that the US are behaving unjustly against Cuba, and Cuba counts the other AES states as friends and allies? That’s the thread to pull.

    The trick is knowing when to stop pulling and trust that the lib/fence-sitter you’re talking to will start pulling of their own volition, because as much as everyone will insist “I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong,” that aphorism is bullshit. Especially when they were probably adamant and likely condescending about their initial position. People will admit they’re wrong to themselves, but are far too prideful to admit it to someone they’re arguing with. Especially if they’re from a liberal individualist culture. Especially if it’s about politics. And especially if they enjoy white privilege.

    And I also say Cuba is a ‘litmus test’ because if they dismiss the mountians of evidence about Cuba, if they dismiss the work of Cuba’s doctors, if they dismiss the fact that the entire Global South adores Cuba? Fuck’em. Your time and breath are too precious to waste on lost causes. The only hope for them is that their internalized and normalized racist arrogance gets ripped out of them when The West collapses under the weight of its own hubris, and they hopefully survive the process and find a way to heal.