• @SpaceDogs
    121 year ago

    I remember he was addicted to benzos and almost died from it. I believe he was placed in a medically induced coma as well. Maybe he’s back on the benzos?

    • @CannotSleep420
      101 year ago

      Given the state of geopolitics at the moment, he’ll have a hard time going for the Russian coma benzo treatment like he did last time.

      • @SpaceDogs
        81 year ago

        I’m confused as to why he even went to Russia for that treatment

        • @CannotSleep420
          61 year ago

          IIRC it was the the only place he could find offering some kind of outlandish treatment he wanted for some reason.

            • @REEEEvolution
              61 year ago

              Even better, right after his Daughter took him to Serbia where both got Covid.

    • @REEEEvolution
      51 year ago

      He almost died from it because he went cold turkey on them. Which he should know to be a very bad idea. In Russia they put him into a coma to his body could suffer the withdrawal while his mind was afk.