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  • Nocheztli ☭
    61 year ago
    1. Of all the countries to make non-aggression pacts with Nazi Germany before WW2, the USSR was the last to do so.
    2. The USSR was actively looking to form an anti-nazi/anti-fascist alliance with other western countries and the League of Nations but was constantly rejected.
    3. One of the most popular argument about the USSR and Germany being allies is the double invasion of Poland, but what most people fail to understand is that the “Poland” invaded by the soviets was in fact half of Belarus territory lost to the poles during the Polish-Soviet war a couple of decades earlier and that at the point the USSR got there the polish state had already surrendered to the nazis.
    4. Fucking Hitler said it very clearly that the ultimate goal of nazi Germany was to destroy the USSR.
    • @Mzuark
      41 year ago

      It’s almost comical just how right the soviets ended up being. They knew the Nazis had to be destroyed from the word go.