• JucheBot1988
    151 year ago

    And Teddy Roosevelt was one of the least openly racist American presidents up until maybe JFK. Think about that.

    • Comrade Ben
      81 year ago

      So JFK was the 1st non racist president damn America took 35 presidents to have non racist leader bruh moment

      • JucheBot1988
        101 year ago

        Yeah, and I don’t know if I’d exactly call him non-racist.

          • JucheBot1988
            101 year ago

            My impression has always been that his administration only championed civil rights in order to remove a powerful talking point from the Soviet Union, and to head off the appeal of communism among black Americans . He also kicked off that dumbass Apollo project – basically a dick-measuring contest with the communist bloc – which ended up pouring a lot of money that could have gone to improve race relations into a literal hole in the sky.