This is the whole front page of that sub today, there are legitimately just a few normal questions.

We should have a sub for this type of stuff if we don’t already.

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    what is a part of history that we consider to be a fact that is 100% false

    I am Sure that that thread is full of very Sane and Knowledgeable people

    • @Shrike502
      1 year ago

      I’m almost curious enough to look. And sort by controversial, of course

      UPD: so I did go there. Top comments are kind of mild, largely stuff about how medieval peasants weren’t stinky. Controversial area is largely people trying to be edgy by saying “Jesus” and/or “Bible” in various variations. There are some deleted comments that I’m too lazy to try and see.

      The really interesting part is, there are several downvoted comments about US and the less-than-important role it played in WW2.