My apologies if Makan already does these, but to my knowledge they don’t. So here’s mine! I am a big musichead, beyond just communist music I like many artists, songs, albums etc. (Though if you like communist music of various types check out: c/tankietunes)

Discussion Questions:

  1. What songs have you been listening to?
  2. What Albums have you been playing?
  3. What Artists have you listened to?
  4. What was your favorite, what was bad?

(My answers)

  1. Getting Up and Leaving, Long Time Sunshine, El Scorcho, The Good life, Tired Of Sex, Getchoo, No Other One, Do You Wanna Get high, Thank God For Girls, King Of The World, Girl We Got A Good Thing, Basically the whole blue album lol, Harder Better Stronger Faster, One More Times, Crescendolls, Gas Drawls, Doomsday, The Finest, Rhymes Like Dimes, One Beer, Rap Snitch Knishes, Deep Fried Frenz, Kon Karne, Kon Queso, Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori, Fancy Clown, Meat Grinder, All Caps, Hymn For A Scarecrow, Ruler of Everything, Cannibal, Welcome To Tally Hall, Endless Bummer, Good day, Norway, Red and Gold, Id Like To Stay Home, Jacked Up, Part Of The Problem, Dont Let Me Go To The Dogs, and a few other.

  2. Pinkerton (deluxe), White, Blue, Discovery, Random Access Memories, Operation Doomsday, MM…FOOD, Madvillainy, Good and Evil, Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum, and Glad Music.

  3. Personally been listening to Weezer, DOOM, Daft Punk, Tally Hall, and R. Stevie. Moore the most this month.

  4. I liked all the music, but my least favorite is R. Stevie Moore because he later became a racist little shit.

  • @TeezyZeezy
    71 year ago

    My apologies for not following the format.

    I used to love Kanye and still adore his music, though listening to him is really tough now…

    A lot of rap/hip hop I like has a lot of misogyny in it, which makes it harder to enjoy, but the beats and sounds make my simple brain go brr. A$AP Rocky, Frank Ocean, Mac Miller, rappers like that.

    I was also really into Bo Burnham the first year “Inside” came out. He actually played a slight role in radicalizing me.

    I’m into a lot of depressing shit as well as I’m going through a particularly rough patch in my life. I have a 500+ song playlist on YouTube and Spotify that I shuffle a lot

    Like I said the rappers are often misogynistic or Hitler lovers like Ye but still make bangers imo.

    Sorry for not following the format again

    • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️OP
      1 year ago

      Not following the format is fine. Just glad someone cares lol. Also my simple brain also goes brrr too. I mean I love “No One Else” and the whole songs is pretty misogynistic, wouldnt hold it against Cuomo, but still…

      • @TeezyZeezy
        1 year ago

        Of course I care! <3

        But yes sometimes I swear even the most simple beats or songs get my mind going its so weird because I’m literally aware like damn these lyrics are fucked up and not something I want to strive towards but it’s also like. Boop boop beep beep bass

        I’ll take a listen