• I don’t really see it as inherently immoral as long as you’re not having children (unless there are some power dynamics involved that complicate things, obviously)

    EDIT: whooooooo, didn’t even notice that this was /r/teenagers, that’s a bit fishy

    • @ComradeSalad
      51 year ago

      What? There’s nothing immoral about incest? Not at all? You can’t think of anything wrong with that? Really?

      • In a situation where the cousins are both adults (e.g. 30), they’re both fully consenting, there’s no power dynamics at play (e.g. if they never met as children), they’re not reproducing (very important), and they’re not hurting anybody else, no, I can’t think of anything inherently immoral about it. I’m not qualified to comment on whether it means that something’s wrong with their brains because I’m not a neuroscientist. Just because I can’t personally relate to wanting such a relationship doesn’t mean that I think it’s reasonable to force others to share my perspective, and the fact that there’s a psychological effect in most humans that would also cause them to find it repulsive doesn’t mean that there’s any morality attached to it. There are plenty of things I consider disgusting that I don’t think are inherently unethical.

          41 year ago

          there’s no power dynamics at play (e.g. if they never met as children)

          Is it still ‘power dynamics’ if they met at the same age as children? I know cousin marriage exists but I don’t know anything about the power dynamics stuff, I’m really just curious.

          • @ComradeSalad
            41 year ago

            Yes, there can be power dynamics because the situation could be influenced by outside forces such as older family members which could encourage or push for the behavior. In effect raising the child from the beginning to take the path of incest.

          • Well, maybe it would’ve been better to say that they never or very rarely met as children. If they grew up meeting each other frequently, there would certainly be a different dynamic, especially if one was older than the other. I’m talking about a theoretical situation, but in reality it would obviously require more nuance.

        • @ComradeSalad
          1 year ago

          While on the surface that may appear to be true, it is worth noting that people who undergo or move past the mental boundary of attempting incest are to a marked degree much more likely to have comorbid mental illnesses or disorders. Along with that, undergoing incest has been shown to cause a marked shift in the psychic of an individual, much the same way the human mind “breaks” when forced to undertake cannibalism. This change is not healthy, and despite it not always being visible, this change carries effects very similar to severe PTSD, even in seemingly loving and consensual relationships.

          Evolution is extremely adamant that incest does not occur. To the point of breaking people that attempt it.

          To me it’s not a moral disgust argument, but much more along the lines of someone wanting to shot themselves in the foot with a rifle. Because while yes, there is nothing stopping them and they consensually want it, and they aren’t harming anyone else; it becomes a case of “Wait! Stop that person, they’re about to make a huge mistake that’ll severely negatively affect them”.