    41 year ago

    there’s no power dynamics at play (e.g. if they never met as children)

    Is it still ‘power dynamics’ if they met at the same age as children? I know cousin marriage exists but I don’t know anything about the power dynamics stuff, I’m really just curious.

    • @ComradeSalad
      41 year ago

      Yes, there can be power dynamics because the situation could be influenced by outside forces such as older family members which could encourage or push for the behavior. In effect raising the child from the beginning to take the path of incest.

    • Well, maybe it would’ve been better to say that they never or very rarely met as children. If they grew up meeting each other frequently, there would certainly be a different dynamic, especially if one was older than the other. I’m talking about a theoretical situation, but in reality it would obviously require more nuance.