Love my Twitter comrades, the only ones keeping me from leaving (mastodon is not my cup of tea). I wish I knew some of the skills required but I’m not great at sneaking lol

  • @ComradeSalad
    191 year ago

    For reference, last year they lost 3 billion dollars to theft… against a 85 billion dollar profit…

    • SovereignState
      111 year ago

      Any complaint about collateral damage, losses, unsustainable profit margins, the “necessity” in raising prices, etc. etc. finally properly clicked in my head the other day as 100% bullshit 100% of the time. These ghouls are not “losing profit” as in going into the negative, they’re simply not making as cartoonishly much as they would be otherwise, yet are still making absolutely absurd profit.

      Comrades of mine were telling me about their shitty job and that if they unionized they think their CEO would just shutter the store as a form of profit protection. The motherfucker has a chain of restaurants! What profit would he lose by paying like 5 people $2-3/hr more? Capitalist class is getting too greedy for their own good. It’s gonna bite them in the ass sooner rather than later I think.

      • @ComradeSalad
        111 year ago

        The masses have been conditioned that if they take a single step out of line, that they will be destroyed and made worthless in retaliation. Coupled with the fact that this has been reinforced by massive corporations shuttering entire branches and firing hundreds of people if there are even whispers of unionization or proletarian action.

        The veil is already falling, and more people are radicalizing. All because the capitalist class will devour itself due to its own greed.