• @Leninismydad
    121 year ago

    Armed folks countering armed fash isnt bad imo

      • @Leninismydad
        161 year ago

        It’s a range of bullshit,just the nature of the US, the guy could very well be antiwar and reformed, could be yeehaw proud who fucking knows, but he is at the very least willing to protect one group of actively oppressed people from openly white supremacist and cristofascist paramilitary groups, which gains him at least 1, heavily nuanced, point in his favor (out of many dozens of potential points), sometimes allies aren’t ideal, but it’s not like the US has organized Marxists militias to do this role. Idk comrade, it’s all a mess.

          • @Leninismydad
            71 year ago

            I think the term veteran has a a lot of political power in the US, so they use it to get that immediate political standing. Harder to attack them if they are Veterans for…

        • @Beat_da_Rich
          1 year ago

          Might earn me some downvotes saying this, but the Western Left needs to stop looking at their veterans as enemies and more as opportunities. A revolution simply won’t be successful without significant factions of the military on the communist side – and that includes veterans. Plenty didn’t jump into the military to kill people; they were just dumb kids without class consciousness who didn’t know shit about politics and were promised a stable financial future.

          There is a difference between learning to forgive veterans/raising their consciousness though and condoning pro-imperialist veteran culture. We very much need to encourage the former. Luckily, there are many veterans from US wars that are actively involved in the anti-imperialist and communist struggle.

          • @Leninismydad
            31 year ago

            I agree with you wholeheartedly, every successful socialist revolution was successful with the help of former military veterans. Understanding the straight evil methods of western military, particularly the US of course, recruiters is an important aspect of the conversation, those guys are diabolically evil. They will lie to 17 year olds, to their face, promise them so many things, then just fuck them over.

            • @Beat_da_Rich
              21 year ago

              In my experience, most US veterans I’ve met are either super to the left or super to the right. Once you see from inside the machine it’s really hard to stay neutral about it.