• MexicanCCPBot
    1 year ago

    its still difficult getting suburban white kids to support public housing

    Class interests. You won’t get petty bourgeois to act against their own class interests. Do not bother with them, it’s like asking a leech to stop sucking blood. If you’re trying to get support for pro-worker or socialist policies, talk to proletarians, the people whose class interests directly align with our policies, the ones who will be directly benefited by public housing. These are the people who can be radicalized the most effectively because what you’re saying is consistent with their material reality. Socialism is for them, they just don’t know it. And don’t bring up scary words early on because it will trigger their lib indoctrination, rather work slowly to find common ground and untangle their confusion.

    In other words, ask yourself: would this person benefit materially from socialism or would they lose some of their comfort?

    I’ve realized this is key to know who to talk about communism to and who not to.

    Even Stalin said how the highly-trained petty bourgeois workers tried really hard to sabotage the socialist project at first, so they had to let them keep all their privileges while the state trained tons of new professionals under socialism.

    Also I know historically there’s been some very worthy exceptions where petty bourgeois individuals become communist class traitors, but I think spending all your time trying to find them is like searching for a needle in a haystack. The most fervent support you’re gonna get is from people whose class interests align perfectly with the socialist project.