Look. There was a lot of leftists out here giving the GoP too much shine and too much rub with their claiming of the Donbass war money funneling is wrong.

If the red wave happened; they would NOT have ended the funneling of weapons and cash to the ukraine.

They would have blamed the dems for starting shit and causing a moral trap and NOW we cant pull out because we have to RELUCTANTLY fight the Russians instead of being enthusiastic about it.

And Im frankly done playing along with the anti imperialist left giving the GoP way too much credit simply because the republicans are morally lucky and currently morally advantaged.

These MAGA politicians are not some right wing populist thing that we should BELIEVE them about their whole anti war posturing. Stop. They’re full of shit and just as fake as the squad and Bernie.

  • SovereignState
    91 year ago

    Great points. To be clear on my end I never supported any of that patsoc garbage, but you have certainly made me reconsider why (as in, I hate patsoc shit with more clarity after reading this)

    You’re so right about the ideological passion self-identified right wingers have. It’s easy to say that they’re just brainwashed, but the difference between them and your common ‘apolitical’ but sympathetic lib that we can actually educate is that they watch the news, they read articles (Fox articles, usually), they follow fascists on twitter and Facebook. They consider themselves “political”, politically engaged. Their ideology is obviously shaped for them by a reactionary superstructure and that’s the true culprit, but they absolutely have ideological drive and a zealous obedience to their leaders. It’s not worth wasting your time trying to convince majority petit-bourgeois, brainwormed fuckers who make up a fraction of the population, when there are millions of non-voting, “apolitical” proletarians so incredibly close to becoming radicalized.

    • @GloriousDoubleKOP
      1 year ago

      Yeah. PatSocs very SERIOUSLY underestimate how much the whole culture war matters to reactionaries. They already take neoliberal capitalism as a forgone conclusion. No sense in dwelling on capital because to them, the matter is settled. So now… All they have as an answer to the contradictions of capital is to deploy the state to hurt the “weak and undesireables”.

      So if anyone wants to pretend culture war stuff is illusionary and bullshit and the reactionaries know it; then how does anyone explain why these people go out of their way to modify their vehicles to roll coal? Is that supposed to be light hearted ribbing against people who are unreasonably concerned about that kind of thing?

      • @carpe_modo
        61 year ago

        They don’t take the oppression of others seriously. They never have.