Well firstly I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this lol, sorry comrades I’ve not used Lemmygrad so frequently and I kinda don’t want this on my Reddit account.

So I’m a Viet studying abroad in Germany, residing in the former East. One free Saturday a while ago me and the countrymen were going to Halle and suddenly a woman appoached us, first speaking in English but then switching over to German once she realized I spoke the tongue. At first she asked how many COVID shots I’ve taken (prolly cause we were wearing face masks). I was about to answer when I noticed the ‘End CCP’ leaflet on her hand (lol can’t even get the name right eh). Then I said ‘Ich interesse mich nicht dafür’ (‘I’m not interested’), whereupon she flipped pretty hard lol.

She proceeded to ask us what we’re doing in this country, and then harangues us about how we have to ‘play with’ (‘mitspielen’) since we’re ‘now in the West, not China anymore’ (democracy much?). Then my friend just said that we’re Vietnamese and then that actually shuts her up for good, prompting her to leave without saying a word.

Smh shoulda blasted Red sun in the sky.

And that makes me think a lot: Do those ‘anti-authoritarian warriors’ realize that it’s pretty racist to assume and pidgeonhole ethnic groups like that, and that it’s un-democratic if people all have to ‘play with’ in a ‘free’ society?

Pretty unbecoming and contradictory of their ‘goals’ huh.

Also got “Nihao”'d multiple times here, beautiful country.

(Once again sorry if this isn’t the place to post stories/rants).

  • @knfrmity
    302 years ago

    This is definitely the place and thanks for sharing your experience. As a white immigrant in Germany I have witnessed many racist encounters, and that’s a big part of what motivates me to be much more vocally anti-racist.

    To answer your question, no these “anti-authoritarian warriors” generally do not realize they’re being racist, but they also don’t care. Although if you called them out on being racist they’d probably have a tantrum about how offensive it is that you called them a racist.

    That preconception that non-Europeans are unfamiliar with “democracy” and “free society” extends far further than just these outgoing train station solicitors too. For example, if you chose to permanently immigrate here you’d have to take an “integration course,” which condescendingly teaches you western values and the supposed principles of liberal democracy.

    • @KommandoGZD
      222 years ago

      For example, if you chose to permanently immigrate here you’d have to take an “integration course,” which condescendingly teaches you western values and the supposed principles of liberal democracy.

      It’s so funny seeing libs screeching about muh detention centers and reeducation/brainwashing, but then hold up Germany as a beacon of freedom, democracy and tolerance. People have to take “integration-courses” here, where they’re taught about le western values and how not to be a raping savage. Learning the language is mandatory too (cultural genocide much). Not saying language courses, familiarity with local law and customs isn’t useful or even necessary. Just if this happened in China or other ‘badcountry’ it would be the grossest human rights violation to them.

      • @knfrmity
        162 years ago

        Of course local immigration policies are never anything western libs talk about, it never even occurs to them. In a way it makes sense, but it also completely invalidates whatever screeching they do about Asian immigration policies for example.

        Tellingly enough, as a white Canadian I got an immediate exemption to the integration course, and only need to take a language course or test if I apply for a permanent visa.

        It’s also a little ironic that there’s so much condescending effort spent on teaching non-white immigrants about German liberal democracy while reserving the right to vote for citizens only.

        • @coluna_prestes
          82 years ago

          That’s liberal ideology in a nutshell. Unsolvable contradictions, because there’s no method behind their world analysis, which in turn becomes a blank canvas for conservatives and fascists to abuse it.

      • @Shrike502
        102 years ago

        Learning the language is mandatory too (cultural genocide much).

        You kind of lost me there. Why shouldn’t people with plans for permanent immigration learn local language? How is that cultural genocide?

        • @KommandoGZD
          102 years ago

          It was a joke lol

          People have implied Uyghurs having mandatory Mandarin classes is evidence of cultural genocide, even though it’s a benign policy used everywhere all the time

          • @Shrike502
            52 years ago

            Ah, fair. Apologies, I got jumpy

    • BloodToSpillToday!OP
      142 years ago

      For example, if you chose to permanently immigrate here you’d have to take an “integration course,” which condescendingly teaches you western values and the supposed principles of liberal democracy.


      Welp one more reason not to stay