Where have I heard this one before

  • Claim 1: Russia is losing the war
    Claim 2: Russia is allocating soldiers and resources to torture civilians for no material gain
    Conclusion: yeah, that sounds perfectly reasonable, nothing strange going on here, oh and also never mind the strictly anecdotal evidence, and the actual evidence that exists that Ukrainian soldiers have been doing this for a long time, oops it’s time for my hourly Nazi salute

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      That’s yet another projection. Ukraine is not exactly winning this war, and even in their darkest days they still used scarce and expensive missiles to terror strikes civilians in Donetsk.

    • @Munrock
      102 years ago

      Umberto Eco’s Common Features of Fascism, #8: “The enemy is both strong and weak.”