Keep in mind, I am not Russian, and that I do not consider Russia to be imperialist. I do have this one question however.

Considering that the Russian communist party originally disagreed with going beyond Donbas and invading the rest of Ukraine too (and also because in WW1, it was the communists who decided against continuing to fight in the war, but that is distant history), I have to ask, is this truly a fight for Russia’s survival, that absolutely necessitates drafting regular people, at this point in the conflict?

The draft, despite being partial and applicable to ex-soldiers only, still affects some people that have nothing to do with the army - this is happening because there are quotas that need to be fulfilled. Some privileged people also seem to have been given immunity from it, and some protesters were also drafted:

Assuming that all of these stories are true, what should regular Russians do about it? Should they do anything, should they oppose it? And, if these stories are not true, should they still do something? Even if it’s true that only ex-soldiers are being drafted, that still carries a similar weight with it - because they are still just regular people, who could have joined the army for a variety of reasons, voluntarily or otherwise.

I know next to nothing about Russia, the true state of the Ukraine conflict, and the present threat level that NATO poses. All I know is that multipolarity is preferable to unipolarity, but is this the only correct path forward towards that goal?

  • @EuthanatosMurderhobo
    2 years ago

    This one is a lie from lib telegram channels that were calling to start rioting and burning enlistment offices as soon as Putin’s speech aired.

    Didn’t hear shit about bankers and journalists, but “IT proffessionals” might be the ones working for military contractors - they stay at work even during full mobilization for obvious reasons.

    “Mobilized from protests” stories might technically be right, but as far as I’ve seen those were packed with young lib dumbasses that weren’t gonna get mobilized anyway. Stuff about people who never served getting mobilized is a lib lie. Can you people just look at the numbers before going into hysteria mode? 300k is less then the number of contract soldiers was in February. Just contract ones, nevermind career military. Why the fuck would someone mobilize people who never held a gun with ~2m of the ones that served?

    Lastly, some ethnic minorities disproportionately volunteer, that’s for sure. You should see one of the Chechen enlistment offices. Oh wait, I can show you.

    A minute of culture - mandatory military service the way it works now goes back to USSR with little change. Everyone who served knows they might be called back an there is very little whining about it. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen angry reports of people who served, have combat experience and volunteer but get turned around due to beurocratic mishaps. As a capitalist state, Russia extra special can’t afford to take only volunteers between it’s size, it’s enemies and almost no defence against western lib propaganda among the youth.

    Lastly, I don’t know what changed for a lot of people here with mobilization, but my marxist-sense still points to “drive NATO influence out of Ukraine with weapons” and “NATO is an existential threat to Russia (and the rest of the world, but Russia is near the top of the list right now)”.

    With this I and happy people from Donbass referendums that expect protection leave you to decide whether Russians should resist the draft. /dripping with hostile sarcasm

    • DankZedong A
      52 years ago

      Good point. I think the main struggle right now on here is that we have a bunch of westerners calling out other people, that are faced with actual war and death, immoral. And that’s just weird, coming from someone sitting in decent safety and comfort.

      And that’s what this questions was asking. Whether or not the Russian should dodge the draft or if they should fight. You can argue about that but calling the people refusing to do this, even if they are leftist, any names is a bit weird to do.

        • DankZedong A
          22 years ago

          No, nor did I say you did. I’m not arguing with your point.

          • @EuthanatosMurderhobo
            2 years ago

            Oh, ok. Just wasn’t clear on that. Also, wouldn’t be surprised if I did somewhere.