How do we feel about propaganda? And what would the definition be?

As far as I understand it, propaganda is simply a tool used to convey political messages accurately and concisely in hopes to get people over to whatever side it is coming from. Am I wrong in this?

Is there a “good” propaganda and “bad” propaganda?

EDIT: Rephrased some things

  • DankZedong A
    82 years ago

    This is what our party does actually and it does seem to work.

    People can hardly ignore cold facts given to them to see. But when they agree, that’s where Karl Marx pops up hihi

    • @B0rodin
      72 years ago

      Agreed. The people must choose to side with ML vanguards. This choice must be made freely, or it will not be sufficient. As Chairman Mao points out, the Party must serve the people, must work with them. And to truly do so, the Party must learn to trust the people.