• @carpe_modo
      102 years ago

      One of the big changes was talk radio. They worked really hard to differentiate themselves from the people they were shit talking by referring to all of them as liberals all the time. The more progressive liberals co-opted it as they do with everything and now almost everyone thinks conservatives are distinct from liberals somehow.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      When/why did liberal become perceived as far left?

      In USA? When general liberal crowd became conservative and fascist.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          Yeah, i sometime visit r/TheRightCantMeme to remind myself that no matter how scummy libs are, there’s entire pit of utter delusional idiocy right beside them. Sadly, libs are sitting right in the said pit nowadays too.

          I bet tons of people think communists are liberals here.

          It’s actually one of the common topics quoted there, everything left of MAGA is percieved as communist. For exaple, something like this gets posted every day or two, meaning the production of those must be goddamn high in the wilds of internet: