• @FuckBigTech347
    2 years ago

    Back when I was still playing Minecraft like 2-3 years ago (fuck you Micro$oft for ruining that great game btw. but at least there is Minetest) I had a large potato farm where I had some villagers trapped and I let them do all the work.

    Had an extra villager trapped on one edge of the farm with some fence and underneath that fence was a water stream. They would go up to that trapped villager to “share” the potatoes, but instead they hit the fence and landed in the water stream, which carried them to a hopper-based storage system. Was actually not too bad in terms of efficiency.

    Though if you had too many workers on the farming area at the same time then they would just keep dropping the potatoes to other farmers, which can also cause them to become very unproductive, instead of trying to share them with the trapped villager.

    • @JoetheDilo1917
      52 years ago

      this is how half of the US economy functioned until 1865