I swear, I’ll be watching a video about Linux, or cooking, or science, or cute animals and BAM! “Why China is the Devil” or “We Should Nuke North Korea” video smack in the middle of the recommendations! I don’t even watch any political stuff on YouTube (because it’s a shitshow), and I have my browser set to auto-delete all of Google’s cookies as soon as the browser is closed. Doesn’t matter if I’m on the actual YouTube website, NewPipe, or Invidious. Prey tell, YouTube, how is “Top 10 Reasons Why China Should Be Mainland Taiwan” at all a related video to “Maintainable Object Oriented Development in PHP, Part 4”? Especially when you somehow always fail to fetch the next part of the series for me?

    • folaht
      2 years ago

      Well, I was a viewer of infographics.
      I liked the “Bangladesh central bank heist” story, the Japanese escape artist story
      and all the experiments the narrator was doing to himself.
      So I care, though they’d already lost me on their version of the Tiananmen square insurrection.

        • folaht
          2 years ago

          Oh, looks like I get those two mixed up.
          It’s been a while ago when I last watched infographics.
          Looks like Kento Bento had the better stories.