Praise pedo incest man with one testicle!!!

but in all seriousness, what the fuck

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    182 years ago

    By the looks of it, their whole shtick is hating “evil tankie redfash” and “debate me now!!!”

    I say: hue and cry over Kronstadt

    • AgreeableLandscape☭M
      132 years ago

      “debate me now!!!”

      But don’t, like, actually present an actual procommunist debate. They don’t like that.

    • Lenins2ndCat
      122 years ago

      By the looks of it, their whole shtick is hating “evil tankie redfash” and “debate me now!!!”

      Vaushites then?

      • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
        122 years ago

        Western-style “leftism.” I’m so tired of it. You can’t deal with capitalists without power, and you can not attain power via vibes.

        This why capitalists aren’t as scared as they should be. They can just throw a big “look over there” in the form of “but other countries worse, they don’t have any rights, unlike our glorious state,” and Western “leftists” fall for it hook, line and sinker, every damn time.

        • Lenins2ndCat
          2 years ago

          Western-style “leftism.”

          I mean, yes and no. I see quite different problems happening in the American left compared to the British left which is quite united and organised. That shit really doesn’t work well here.

          With that said we’re in the buildup rumblings of a general strike and we have the organisational means to actually carry it out so things are quite different at the organisational level and not just the ideological level.

          Meanwhile the shit going on over in Greece is also extremely cool.