• SovereignState
    92 years ago

    The Hague allegedly not investigating until February 2023 (like eight months from now??) means that truth may never come out…

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      92 years ago

      I think it will come out if it’s true, sooner or later. War crimes in Afghanistan surfaced pretty quick. But no shit that the imperialist stooges in Hague will ever confirm anything like this, just look what they said and did about Yugoslavia, they will never bite the Brussel hand that feeds them.

      • @SaddamHussein24
        102 years ago

        The Hague Yugoslavia “tribunal” was the biggest farce of international law. They “proved” a “genocide” consisting of 1 massacre. Imagine if we applied this standard to western imperialism, we would have 400000 genocides on our hands