
  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    162 years ago

    I’m seeing all the spinning being done already. B b b b but it took a few weeks, third rate army! Haha Ghost of Kiev! Half of Ukraine might become a breakaway territory, and people will still fantasize about how the Cokehead of Kiev is gonna save the day.

    • @VictimOfReligion
      142 years ago

      Ukraine will become annexed to Russia and still this idiots will be like “this victory was actually a lose, because now they have to pay more money to keep more territory, haha, checkmate Russian orc!” or something like that.

      • @Abraman
        142 years ago

        I don’t think Russia wants to annex Ukraine but I get your point

      • Muad'DibberA
        22 years ago

        I wonder why the kid finder isn’t joining the reddit ukraine army brigades.