• @SaddamHussein24
    2 years ago

    I agree. Most communist parties worldwide are socially conservative. Besides, the socially conservative CPI menbers arent advocating for killing gays or anything like that, they are just bigoted and against LGBT rights movements, which is wrong sure, but is not fascism, nowhere near it. To not work with MLs who are socially conservative is just stupid, we must unite for antiimperialism and socialism. Once there is economic progress under socialism, there will also inevitably be social progress. What is “white trash”? I dont know what that is. People say hes “proUS” because they think patriotism=supporting your government, which is just wrong. No problem mate, happy to help!

    • @CITRUS
      22 years ago

      Well it seems you have enlightened me or I guess helped confirm my values on patriotism, I will keep on watching Maupin as he is at worst trying to get a labour movement going. Now on “White trash”. White Trash is classist term, with a blowback of racism, to depict blue collar and rural white people, a huge chunk of the physical working class, as illiterate cousin-fucking rednecks who are a social hinderence and public nuisance. The term “trash” is calling poor people dirty and disposable, while “white” implies as a modifier that being “trash” is reserved for nonwhites and that it is improper for white people to be poor or has lower socioeconomic status. This pushing away of poor white people radicalized them into fascism, and fascism makes them more likely to be pushed back, a sort of positive feedback loop. But why is it used then? Well libs can’t be rascist anymore and they hate poor people above all else, so the only group that’s socially available to be better than are the “white trash”. “Leftist” use it either inherited from being libs or more usually a hatred for the white trash as having backwards social view, without realizing when being excluded pushes them to fascism. For pop culture think a range from Larry the Cable Guy, to early Eminem (a more urban depiction), to Dukes of Hazard, to I forget his name but the hick in the Simpsons. This is a wound of working class solidarity in the States that needs to be addressed.