• SovereignState
    72 years ago

    mate I think you’ve got some valid points alongside PolandIsAStateOfMind but you and them have delved into reddit/youtube-like internetspeak and extremely uncomradely behavior with people even engaging in good faith. I’m aware upthread someone was engaging in bad faith, but I’d just recommend reflecting for a second before shitting on people with questions asking about or discussing the issue from a genuine place.

    • @SaddamHussein24
      -32 years ago

      I dont think i have been rude to anyone, but ok. The only person i was rude to is “Makan CPUSA”, but thats because he literally dismissed the Communist Party of Greece, a massive party for which hundreds of thousands of greek communists died for and that hundreds of thousands of greek workers put their faith in, as reactionary just because they are homophobic. This is pure yankee arrogance, it has no other name, and it should be called out, im sure youll agree.

      • SovereignState
        72 years ago

        You put words in comrade “idliketothinkimsmart”'s mouth and accused them of all sorts of damaging things. I believe being rightfully angry at an individual ITT has soured your mood relating to this whole thread over that one individual, calling comrades exceptionalist and being ‘ridiculous’ etc etc. I just don’t want to see this site circle(jerk) back around into reddit.