it seems like reform would just leave the bourgeoisie to either corrupt the party or destroy it outright by force. suppose it where to go militant would the bourgeoisie just use modern surveillance facial recognition etc to grab the upper hand and destroy any revolution.

  • @redjoker
    33 years ago

    Yes, join a party and join a union. I’m in CPUSA and IWW

    • @CommisarChowdahead
      33 years ago

      I’m a wobbly too! I still believe they have real potential, even in their diminished state. It’s on us to build them up as a socialist alternative to the AFL-CIO and other liberal unions.

      • @redjoker
        13 years ago

        Hey Fellow Worker! It’s also a good idea to dual-card with a reactionary union in your trade as they have better collective bargaining strength. I know plenty of dual-carders

        • @CommisarChowdahead
          23 years ago

          Totally would, if anywhere I worked was lucky enough to be unionized.