I don’t know if that’s the best term to describe them but they seem pretty anti-capitalist and anti-colonialism. Has anyone tried talking to them about communism? How did it go?

  • T34 [they/them]
    53 years ago

    I’m an SJW, probably. Some of us are anti-capitalist. But some are the bourgeois, blue-checkmark, more-brown-drone-pilots types. It all comes down to class position. People paid to write for the imperialist media are going to represent bourgeois interests.

    Years ago I used to hang out on ShitRedditSays. They were mostly liberal imperialists. The anti-capitalists were mostly anarchists who repeated US imperialist propaganda without much thought. I think I got through to some of them with idealistic arguments like, shouldn’t we listen to oppressed people? If we want less authoritarian forms of socialism, shouldn’t we do that by opposing US overthrows of people like Allende, rather than supporting US overthrows of communists?

    But for the most part, minds don’t change until conditions change. It’ll take much more than words to convince any large segment of college-educated professionals to betray their class.

    • @Union4all
      33 years ago

      Well put, and bless you for joining us here comrade! don’t forget to organize your workplace 💝