• Muad'DibberA
      72 years ago

      It’s literally filmed rape from either victims of human trafficking, or extremely poor and desperate people being forced to exploit themselves sexually in order to pay rent.

      • Breadbeard
        -22 years ago

        so if a girl makes extra bucks on some video platform and uses her boyfriend as pimp, does your generalisation still stick? I mean i m all against abusive (labour) relationships and personally, that is where i would put the lever. but okay, i m all good with being attacked for marxist principles that superceede derivative principles

      • @Power_of_Z
        -52 years ago

        sure like nobody makes that choice themselves. If they want to do it it’s their choice. No uptight backward conservative has to to make a decision or have an opinion on what a woman or a man does with their body. And by your ridiculous absurd definition any job takes on is also forced labor.

      • @Power_of_Z
        -52 years ago

        I’m surprised by the incredibly backward and charicatural representation of the situation here. That many people are so brainwashed by the propaganda from mostly moralising religious bastards. I live in western Europe. My city has a designated area for prostitution. Safe, organised, clean and constantly checked for any abuses. ALL the women,trans or whoever are there by their own will. Even if it would be the simplistic cliche case of ‘in a desperate economic situation’ then I’m happy women have the CHOICE for prostitution or porn. I, as a man, have done a lot worse backbreaking and humiliating jobs. If I were a moderately attractive woman I would certainly consider the possibility.

          • Breadbeard
            -12 years ago

            where prostitution is coercion, the coercion must be removed from the prostitution.

            But funny that we start with prostitution (to install more backwards moralist laws and allow state violence) instead of the driving force: poverty

      • @Power_of_Z
        -22 years ago

        So much stupidity in one sentence. Not even worth going inti it.