And then Ukraine happened. I realize this is probably the same logic that Holocaust or Sandy Hook deniers use, but it really is fascinating just how many people can be fooled by propaganda or group think. Even when the facts are staring in their faces they just don’t want to hear it.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    72 years ago

    I used to cling to DemSoc as a way to keep the people fully involved, but like… Pinochet. And also just look at US politics, the majority are(besides certain material matters, like free healthcare, free college and WeEd) completely pro-right wing agenda. Bernie is a SocDem and he’s like the biggest “left” icon in the US. The average American doesn’t know shit about the CIA, the IRA or the USSR, they are brainwashed, why trust what they say? If we put a vote to whether or not slavery is cool in 1700s Philadelphia, I wouldn’t give a shit what they say, they are plain wrong even if they are the majority. Only with Revolutionary theory can guide the proletariat, not the opinions of the masses