Let’s see, in terms of ML spaces, we have:


-The subreddits on Reddit


-Quora (for certain places)




-Certain YouTube channels

Anything else I’m missing? I’m thinking of making another community for now in preparation for when there’s a crackdown on one of these communities, whether it’s the BeardTube community, the comrades on Twitter, or Reddit.


  • Muad'DibberMA
    133 years ago

    I think this is enough tbh, the only other possibility I’d like to see is another communism subreddit (/r/communism has been on a tankie banning spree lately, the mod team is dominated by a few MLMs). /r/informedtankie already serves as a good 101 sub probably, and has a large user base. Lemmygrad (maybe bunkerchan too?) are the only ones not hosted by big tech, but we don’t need to split energy in having too many alternatives.