I’m being honest, it’s looking more and more like a “within our lifetime” by the hour

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    232 years ago

    They gonna push the “eat bugs” narration from celebrity and pseudoleft take into the mainstream…

    • @SomeGuy
      2 years ago

      No thanks, the Snowpiercer diet is not for me.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        2 years ago

        Good for you. Bad for you, when you do not see a problem with it when the world is producing much more than needed but people are still being told to eat bugs by self-proclaimed “socialists”.

    • DankZedong A
      -12 years ago

      Bugs are crazy nutritious though. If you can form them into a burger and say nothing people wouldn’t mind I think.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        62 years ago

        and say nothing

        This is the fucking problem here too. They are gonna do it.

        • DankZedong A
          2 years ago

          Honest question but if bugs become a valid food source, why would that be bad?

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            102 years ago

            Eat it all you want, if you want. But any talk of bugs when west wastes 40% of the food (and non west are also guilty of that to the lesser extent) is simply bourgeoisie talk.

            I seriously hope i die before it comes to that, because it will mean the world is truly and ultimately fucked up. Even in the worst times of hunger people here did not eat bugs and i fully share that sentiment.

            • DankZedong A
              2 years ago

              I can understand your point, thanks for elaborating. It´s true what you say, lots of food goes to waste.

              I think I just saw it like an option. Since I live in a Western country where I never had to go hungry before, eating bugs as an alternative to meat was what I had in mind. Having a low-impact source of nutrition instead of meat is great.

              But when looking at the massive amount of waste that gets produced, eating bugs should indeed have a really low priority. There are a lot of things that should be fixed before bugs should be an option. Food security is the number one priority.

              • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
                2 years ago

                There are a lot of things that should be fixed before bugs should be an option. Food security is the number one priority.

                Exactly. How i see that, the food supply would have to really dwindle for that, which means capitalism in the terminal stage (of Earth).

                • DankZedong A
                  42 years ago

                  Fair enough. I ate some worms once and it was okay-ish. But I eat plant based and I manage just fine while doing so. So I don’t have the urge to eat bugs either, really.