• @TheAnonymouseJoker
    2 years ago

    Cuba, of course smhsmh!!! Heil USA, heil McDonald’s, heil Starbucks, heil Apple! My sodium filled fries and Coke are more important!

    Okay, on a serious note, abortion being illegal is a crime. It basically encourages rape IMHO. People with nasty mindsets will be able to coerce many women into bearing the child born out of a wrong act.

    • @SaddamHussein24
      102 years ago

      Rape is still illegal tho. This isnt an argument against abortion bro. When you ban abortion rapes dont go up. What does happen is that more women die making “at home” abortions, and thus more children remain orphans. A good example of this is socialist Romania under Nicolae Ceausescu. Abortion was initially legalized when the communists took power after WW2. However, then natality rates plummeted, due to the postWW2 poverty. The Communist Party of Romania attributed this to the abortion legalization, so they banned it again along with contraceptives (including condoms). While this did bring the natality rate back up again, it also resulted in thousands of young women dying during “homemade” abortions. Many children were also abandoned by their parents upon birth, especially during the austerity regime in the 1980s, resulting in orphanages being full of children. Banning abortion isnt a good idea.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        02 years ago

        There is definitely not any direct correlation, but I know of the kinds of mindsets that lurk in society, that dwell on the possibility of no abortions. Once a female has conceived such a child, she will feel attached no matter if it was a rape, because of animal instinct. Keep in mind that I am talking from an idea perspective, not necessarily a statistical one.

        Abortion should always be legal, so that the female, in such a case, always has a choice. Law standing against possible victims wanting to abort makes the victim helpless, and the aggressor(s) in society stronger.

        I mean, look at your example. Natality rates falling down and then parents abandoning children to orphanages… it creates a very vicious cycle in society. Children become criminals out of desperation. Maybe I am thinking too far, maybe I am wrong, not sure. That is what I feel.

    • @Beat_da_Rich
      92 years ago

      Honestly, women may be the immediate target, but the larger goal of repealing abortion rights and Roe V. Wade is the larger attack on privacy. Abortion is the short term battle, but next will be sodomy laws and interracial marriage. Maintaining a white majority and formally reestablishing the division of labor between poor blacks/browns and whites is crucial for sustaining American Empire.

      Not surprised if shit eventually looks like Bioshock Infinite