So let’s say I wanted to become a painter in the USSR how would I achieve that. I know that you could go to school for say engineering and then get assigned a job when you got out of school so did it work the same way for artistic endeavors? Or would you first get assigned a job and then in your free time pursue the artistic endeavor. Basically, were you an artist first, or where you say a steelworker who was an artist second until you got enough of a base to pursue being an artist full time?

    • Soviet Snake
      22 years ago

      This community is hosted on Lemmygrad, not Lemmy, so that might be a reason, but I agree with you, maybe the mod thought you were a troll.

    • immoral_hedge
      2 years ago

      Just read the modlog and it was no reason listed. I dont agree with your statement but honestly i have no idea why it was removed. It was an opinion that was not ‘edgy’ in any way, imo a decent base for a discussion.