I needed to verify my account and of course youtube told me that after the first video failed to upload. So now I get to reupload the whole fucking thing.

Good news is you can already download it on my drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1inGS6bw1ytLgXstt1LurfRtfo6n7BLcX/view?usp=sharing. This is in case you want to clip parts of it and share them on reddit or tiktok.

Also please share the video on other platforms too, like reddit or discord. This is our chance to make more libs watch Parenti (this whole project came about after a clip was posted to r/nextfuckinglevel and libs loved it).

  • @Amorphous
    43 years ago

    You could simply upload new, better versions as you mess with it over time, and set the previous versions to unlisted as you go. That way any previous links wouldn’t be broken, but you’d have improved versions to send people moving forward.