I finished State and Revolution, Blackshirts and Reds, and the Communist Manifesto. Should I next focus on collecting my relevant resources and arguments for debunking anticommunist propaganda or read more theory? My thoughts are that I have a functional (albeit technically basic) understanding of ML theory but I have noticed the main barrier to convincing people in my life are the propaganda surrounding Stalin, Mao, etc. I would love any advice from those more knowledgeable and experienced than I. Thank you in advance

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    24 years ago

    Don’t bother.

    Go for more theory, even the stuff that most tankies like myself don’t go for.

    For example: I’m trying to focus more on the field of “Marxist psychology,” which many fellow Marxists don’t know about.

    Look for things that people don’t focus too much on; you could help your fellow Marxist-Leninists that way.