Ok so here in Québec we got a thing called Éthique et Culture Religieuse aka Ethic and religious culture and this year in my class we look a liberty and first class when talking about that the teacher talk about how here we can talk shit about Trudeau but in China you can not talk shit about the governement wich is false as you probably know . So if you want to look at what I will look at this year here you go https://sites.google.com/view/ecr-esrdl/2e-sec/1-liberté this link leads to the teacher’s site where you can see his power point for his class but sorry it is only in french . But for the non french speaker it pretty much says here we got lots of liberty and it is realy good wich is false and in China you got no liberty wich is also false. So what are your thought how we get trained at a young age to hate china and we get feed bigotery that gets called true facts . So thanks in advance and sorry for the English !

Edit: I looked more in depth and saw thing like : Liberalism = justice equality liberty , things that said a lot of communist place had not alot of religious liberty along with place that realy had not a lot and other bigoted stuff .

(China number 1)

  • ComradeBeaker
    5 years ago

    Hey Mad_Raccoon.

    I’m a fellow Canadian here and I’ve been taught the same thing here as well. We’re taught that these alleged dictatorships prevent us from having any freedom, but that is false. Anything that the news reports in Canada about China is typically skewed to cast Communism in a negative light.

    I’ll be heading to China for a vacation in about 3 months or so, I’ll update you guys with pics when I get back.

    • GreatLeap
      5 years ago

      You will be amazed how nice and modern China is. People are very friendly and reasonable.