3 year old account with 45k karma, very specifically avoided doing anything bannable, haven’t been on reddit in two weeks, came back to this this morning.

  • @LittleSpoon
    2 years ago

    I got suspended a few days ago after getting into it with a landlord. He said Mao killed 500 billion people or whatever and landlords were indiscriminately murdered and asked me if I supported that. I said if it was people like him who were the target then it had my full and uncritical support. I normally don’t get that far into it on Reddit but this was after he said he enjoyed watching tenants “scurry like roaches” after being served a 3 day notice to vacate. I don’t care if they restore my account, I’m done with that site anyways. Fuck Reddit and fuck landlords.

    • @panic
      32 years ago

      For a second I thought you were talking about an IRL experience and was a little too excited about it.