I think as Marxist-Leninists we can all agree that organization is one of the most important if not primary struggle we engage. We want as many people in our cause as possible. The armed struggle is something we acknowledge to be a possibility in the future, once we’ve built dual power. But on the other hand we also have to do an analysis on the situation of our nations and what contradictions exist in them. In most cases one engages in the political and economic struggle at the same time but there is one case that flips this on its head. Fascism.

In a liberal democracy we are “free” to engage in our agitation and organization, well before armed struggle is needed. It takes time for revolutions to mature to an armed struggle. Fascism or rising fascism changes the struggle, it flips it from needed to organize to armed resistance. We know what happened in Germany and all other fascist countries to established left wing parties, so the political and organizational struggle is out of the question from a legal standpoint. In a relatively peaceful country, armed struggle is out of the question because it would distance the masses, but in a fascist state it’s the number one priority.

Up to the right wing shootings of protestors I thought that violence was a secondary action or tertiary one, but as I see things I’m beginning to flip what’s the primary form of struggle to the secondary ones. It increasingly seems like armed resistance is possibly taking precedence over organization and the mass line. I want to be careful with what I say here because I don’t want to put this site in jeopardy but, I don’t think the same tactics of “peaceful” organization under a liberal democracy would be a valid tactic in a fascist country. I feel America has gone well beyond the worth of fixating on unions, political organizations, etc. Going from defensive retaliatory actions to direct actions would separate us from the masses but did gaining the acceptance of the masses really matter in fascist Germany?

What I fear is this country pulling us into a war with China, going even more masks off than it already is. Even if we built enough support the government wouldn’t recognize it or negotiate with leaders in which case what is a secondary struggle that could only be done in the case that a movement has time to mature itself to dual power, instead becomes a primary struggle despite the lack of mass support, if only for the sake of resistance, or sending a message.

Just something I’ve been thinking about, do you folks think the possibility still exists to organize peacefully? Or has things changed beyond what we could do before?

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    4 years ago

    Organization will always be important, and especially so in case of an armed struggle because such a struggle simply would not be possible without it. I highly recommend reading Lenin’s “Left-Wing” Communism: an Infantile Disorder. Specifically, the Should Revolutionaries Work in Reactionary Trade Unions? chapter dealing with this topic. Any successful revolutionary movement requires acceptance and support of the masses. No serious struggle is possible without it.