• @Virgadays
    2 years ago

    Basically they think that LGBT emancipation is being pushed as an attempt to divide the working class in order to prevent them from organizing. So in their brainwormed mind they actively reject LGBT emancipation, dismissing it as a distraction.

    • @KommandoGZD
      122 years ago

      But why specifically trans? As I said, I don’t follow this at all and still all I ever hear from that island is them screeching about that topic? Why is specifically the UK so obsessed with this? What’s even there to be so mad about?

      Yes, capital appropriates subversive/revolutionary movements, topics, demographics and aesthetics. That’s happening to the trans struggle. It’s happening to socialism itself. It’s happening to climate change, but afaik the Bri*ish communists don’t think those are diversions of the bourgeoisie. So why are they so dumb when it comes to the topic of trans struggle? Such a strange thing to get stuck on.

      • @GloriousDoubleK
        122 years ago

        It’s simple. They’re flatly and plainly transphobic pieces of shit.

        Christ. If all it takes to undermine the revolution is the existance of trans folks and acknowledging that; then the revolution aint worth winning and nor can it be done.