• @HaSch
    2 years ago

    By the way, since the 18th century, some very smart people did indeed make attempts to refute a geometrical axiom, namely Euclid’s Fifth Postulate stating that parallel lines can never meet, and the result was differential geometry. It gave us a revolutionary and beautiful new understanding of the architecture of the cosmos (general relativity), of the fundamental laws governing the universe (gauge theory), and of elementary particles (quantum field theory), and on top of that it enabled groundbreaking fields of technology such as robotics, satellites, and artificial intelligence. All of these theories have stood up to every experimental test, and all of these technologies show their usefulness and indeed necessity on a daily basis.

    If even in a such a clean and parsimonious field as mathematics such a backwards and unnecessary postulate can stand for two millennia, then what are we to believe of the ostensible “axioms” of the blurry, inexact subject of sexuality, that are after all influenced by dubious traditions and unchallenged assumptions? Must we still profess faith in the centennial sociology journals of Lenin’s age that are gathering dust and worms in the archives of some historical institute?

  • CaptainCrushing
    362 years ago

    I can’t believe british people are trying to lecture us on what’s normal

  • @SaddamHussein24
    322 years ago

    This is pure bullshit. There have been transgender people from at least during WW2 that i know of (im italian, theres an old italian trans woman, whos still alive btw, who served as a soldier during WW2 and she declared herself to be a woman just after the war was over), so way before LGBT rights movements became mainstream. This alone completely refutes this bs that transgenderism is an invention of liberals.

    • @cayde6ml
      292 years ago

      I’ve read that most human cultures for thousands of years have recognized and accepted multiple genders and gender-fluidity. It wasn’t until European imperialism in the Americas that Indigenous cultures were subjugated and destroyed and bastardized that an artificial gender binary was enforced.

    • @VictimOfReligion
      192 years ago

      There has been transgender people way before capitalism was invented. Just search for the priestess of the goddess Asherah as an example. It’s like people always forget that history existed before the Industrial Revolution for some reason when it suits them.

      • @xenautika
        32 years ago

        and Enarree were trans of the Scythian/Saka peoples, they were shamans of a fertilty goddess and were seen as nonbinary or women depending on historical accounts. One of primary Greek exports into the area was licorice root, a phytoestrogen, and Enarree would drink pregnant mares urine, a potent compound for estrogen

    • Suburban_Witch
      42 years ago

      There have been clear-cut cases of trans people for centuries (Albert Cashier and James Barry come to mind), and possible ones for millennia, like that Roman ruler who might have been a trans woman. The only reason we don’t have as many instances of trans people in the past is because they’ve been buried by the sands of time. We’ve always existed, and we’ll always exist. Anything else is reactionary garbage.

    • CaptainCrushing
      232 years ago

      That’s impossible for these people, they refuse to improve themselves to benefit their own party! They would rather wallow in misery and point fingers at minorities instead of people who actually hold power

  • @Realistichawkdrawing
    282 years ago

    Yeah Ive found many of the old mainstay groups like CPGB are using transphobia to bridge the gap with the “working class”. That the “culture war” needs to be stopped. Which is bullshit. Im not isolating our Marginalized comrades to gain bigot support.

    • @cfgaussian
      282 years ago

      The support of one marginalized comrade is more worth than the support of a dozen bigots. They are more dependable, more dedicated, more personally invested, and more acutely aware of the realities of oppression under capitalism.

      The more backwards sections of the proletariat will eventually be swept along by the revolution but they cannot serve as its vanguard as they are too vacillating and easily bribed into class treason with concessions and privileges.

      In the initial phases of gathering our forces and building the politically disciplined organizations of the vanguard the task is not to indiscriminately amass numbers but to build a solid core of the most advanced section of the proletariat.

      Without this highly disciplined, dedicated and well organized core there is nothing for the masses to coalesce around. You end up with a spontaneous movement with no clear direction nor staying power, easily dissipated or hijacked by liberals.

      We have seen this phenomenon clearly time and time again. Black Lives Matter was the most recent and perfect example of this. Whereas all historically successful revolutions, from Russia to China, Vietnam to Cuba followed the vanguard model.

      P.S. To any comrades who haven’t yet done so, please go read Lenin’s “What Is To Be Done?”.

  • @tobychad
    5 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • @Shaggy0291
        52 years ago

        I have good relations with a lot of the YCL people in my area. According to them there’s a stark difference between the line preferred by the youth compared to the old guard. None of them want to amble on with the British Road to Socialism anymore and frankly seem a bit embarrassed by it.

        • Makan ☭ CPUSA
          42 years ago

          Nah, it’s the same with my org, I getcha.

          But also, a communist party is a political party, obviously, and has to participate in the process; anything else is just negligent. Waiting for revolution or some shit is stupid.

          Hell, waiting until people are either calling for armed revolt or deciding to do armed revolt right now is stupid and counter-productive and is how communist movements die out: by not engaging in actual politics even when the very nature of a communist party is political.

          • @tobychad
            5 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • Makan ☭ CPUSA
              62 years ago

              I agree but having some level of local and provincial governance is acceptable; it’s not reformism if the ultimate goal is revolution.

              People don’t stop believing in communism just because “social democracy” or welfare programs; in the 1950s to 1980s, they turned anti-communist due to widespread propaganda taken up to eleven and the fact that there were essentially no real communist victories (or communist-led victories) to speak of in the United States (and I imagine it was somewhat the same in other Anglo countries).

              Simply saying that the working-class was “pacified with concessions” like the Internet MLs tell you doesn’t explain things; people want victories, even if it’s just a minor election, they want to be proven right that they can even make a small dent.

              Simply surviving is not organizing; you have to create dual power (and that includes creating some people within certain posts within the actual state governance, even if it’s minor).

              I mean, I agree that we have to survive until the actual event occurs, but simply survival is just waiting, and you can’t expand hte movement if you’re just surviving (and simply agitating from the outside).

              Eh, maybe we already agree; I don’t claim to be an expert.

              • @tobychad
                5 months ago

                deleted by creator

                • Makan ☭ CPUSA
                  52 years ago

                  I think I heard about that incident but didn’t believe it (but I can also believe that a lot of SolidNet parties are kinda old in terms of leadership).

      • @tobychad
        5 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • @Shaggy0291
      52 years ago

      In my experience Red Fightback are too sectarian. They won’t even agree to meeting representatives of other communist parties.

      I recently tried to get all the various organisations in my area to come together around a monthly forum to discuss areas where we could all co-align and they didn’t even entertain the idea. The leadership in CPB, Workers Party, CPG, CPGBML etc at least approached the issue seriously and put forward proposals.

      Half the reason why there are so many splinter groups in UK radical politics is because there is no intercourse between the various organisations. A radical political alternative will never coalesce around Britain’s labour movement if its active political organisations aren’t even open to communicating with each other. It’s precisely this kind of thing that has driven the stagnancy of British communism and the tendency towards squabbling little sects.

      • @tobychad
        5 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @Shaggy0291
          42 years ago

          Are you referring to the SWP affair with Comrade Delta when you talk about sexual assault cover ups here or something else?

          • @tobychad
            5 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @Shaggy0291
              32 years ago

              Can I be annoying and ask for some more details on this? I’m really interested in learning more about the YCL case in particular.

              • @tobychad
                5 months ago

                deleted by creator

  • @KommandoGZD
    222 years ago

    Ok, so I’ve never engaged with this at all so far, because I’ve always associated it with Twitter JKR drama and I don’t care about that even slightly. Can someone ELI5 to me what their fucking problem is when even communist parties screech about this? Why, out of all the things to get hung up on, is that whole island so stuck on trans people?

    • @Virgadays
      2 years ago

      Basically they think that LGBT emancipation is being pushed as an attempt to divide the working class in order to prevent them from organizing. So in their brainwormed mind they actively reject LGBT emancipation, dismissing it as a distraction.

      • @KommandoGZD
        122 years ago

        But why specifically trans? As I said, I don’t follow this at all and still all I ever hear from that island is them screeching about that topic? Why is specifically the UK so obsessed with this? What’s even there to be so mad about?

        Yes, capital appropriates subversive/revolutionary movements, topics, demographics and aesthetics. That’s happening to the trans struggle. It’s happening to socialism itself. It’s happening to climate change, but afaik the Bri*ish communists don’t think those are diversions of the bourgeoisie. So why are they so dumb when it comes to the topic of trans struggle? Such a strange thing to get stuck on.

        • @GloriousDoubleK
          122 years ago

          It’s simple. They’re flatly and plainly transphobic pieces of shit.

          Christ. If all it takes to undermine the revolution is the existance of trans folks and acknowledging that; then the revolution aint worth winning and nor can it be done.

  • Muad'DibberA
    212 years ago

    Br*tish try not to be terfs challenge (impossible).

    • @panic
      252 years ago

      I’m the soldier carrying out the excecution.

      • @estii
        102 years ago

        im working in the armament factory 🤝

  • @this_00
    202 years ago

    Being transphobic is in the blood of british people

  • @InvertedMussolini
    2 years ago

    What a stupid hill to die on.

    There are actual problems to deal with that are a far greater priority than this one, even if you are a transphobic revolutionary and for some cursed hellworld reason that this article of theirs has any relevance to reality (which btw it does not); imagine prioritizing this over capitalism, imperialism, fascism, neoliberalism, the climate crisis…

    The sooner that the senescent “empire” collapses into the obscurity it deserves, the better. I just hope it takes the CPGB-ML and all the transphobes on terf island with it.

    • @ArmedMinority
      2 years ago

      While we must recognize the ultimate importance of imperialism and capitalism, speaking personally as a trans person, it’s hard to work with people that fundamentally want me to stop existing, one way or another. Communist movements must look forward, not backward, and this applies to social issues as well as economic ones. So many of these movements seem to be allergic to actually critically considering the direction their movement must take

      • @InvertedMussolini
        72 years ago

        I agree with you. One of the problems with this so-called “debate” is that it gets put into a binary of organizing the masses or supporting trans people, as if trans people don’t have friends and family and colleagues and comrades and loved ones, which is utterly false

        If you are going to organize the masses, you aren’t going to organize them by attacking the people they care about over gender identity.

  • @VictimOfReligion
    2 years ago

    No Fucking Lenin made state payed transition just by eliminating the religious - monarchic - bourgeois laws, for fuck’s sake, revisionist british assholes!

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
      232 years ago

      An axiom, sometimes called postulate, is a mathematical statement that is regarded as “self-evident” and accepted without proof. It should be so simple that it is obviously and unquestionably true. Axioms form the foundation of mathematics and can be used to prove other, more complex results.


      What’s funny is that the full quote actually negates the screenshot by stating that ‘self-evident’ common knowledge, institutionalized old theories, or theological dogma about human behavior should be challenged by science and scientific socialism. Queer theory technically falls under a socialist science umbrella, challeging conservative intuition.

      There is a well-known saying that if geometrical axioms affected human interests attempts would certainly be made to refute them. Theories of natural history which conflicted with the old prejudices of theology provoked, and still provoke, the most rabid opposition. No wonder, therefore, that the Marxian doctrine, which directly serves to enlighten and organise the advanced class in modern society, indicates the tasks facing this class and demonstrates the inevitable replacement (by virtue of economic development) of the present system by a new order—no wonder that this doctrine has had to fight for every step forward in the course of its life.



      • CaptainCrushing
        152 years ago

        This is too good. Not even the full quote supports their transphobia. Amazing how they lack any self awareness

      • @VictimOfReligion
        72 years ago

        Imma safe this for later, thanks. Oh, boy, some axiomatic bois gonna get mad about knowing what would Lenin think of them huahuehuehuehue