Apologies for this wall of text format.

  • @RandomSovietKid
    34 years ago

    Imagine complaining about “totalitarian Marxists-Leninists” in a core imperialist country… Fcking “libertarians”:

    The American left today as I know it—and believe me, I am very familiar with the American left—is going toward authoritarianism, toward totalitarianism. It’s becoming the real right in the United States. We don’t have an appreciable American left any more in the United States. What I saw of the SDS in the '60s was very abhorrent to me: Marxism, Leninism, almost the KGB mentality—a police politics that I found completely totalitarian in nature. And in Europe, I would say that today the real support for State power and totalitarianism comes from the Communist parties and the Socialist parties and, where they are sizable, the Trotskyist groups. They are the ones that really frighten me.

    People who resist authority, who defend the rights of the individual, who try in a period of increasing totalitarianism and centralization to reclaim these rights—this is the true left in the United States. Whether they are anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists, or libertarians who believe in free enterprise, I regard theirs as the real legacy of the left, and I feel much closer, ideologically, to such individuals than I do to the totalitarian liberals and Marxist-Leninists of today.

    the American people should defend themselves if any attempt is made to take over the government by coup d’etat, whether by the military or the Marxists or any people who profess to be anarchists.

    (The first paragraph is not in your screenshot, but it is in the link: https://reason.com/1979/10/01/interview-with-murray-bookchin/. Weird.)

    • T34 [they/them]
      24 years ago

      libertarians who believe in free enterprise, I regard theirs as the real legacy of the left

      “Capitalists and pedophiles are the real left. I am very smart.”

      • @queer_bird
        34 years ago

        Is the Libertarians are pedophiles just a meme or is there actually a large enough group of libertarians actually saying that we should remove age of consent laws?