And not so much in the crushing of capital and reactionaries etc. but in de-colonization. We have a monumental task ahead of us; we Communists in America have a lot on our plate compared to other countries.

America is unique in the melting pot that it is but also in the fact that we have two peoples that are of immediate concern: The Native Americans and the New African peoples. We genocided the former and enslaved the latter for hundreds of years. I have no doubt we will need to create autonomous regions for Native Americans locally and state wide. This doesn’t mean people will have to move out, although they could, but rather they’ll participate in a different type of government, specifically one that would be mixture of Native American council, like the Iroquois Confederacy, and more modern democracy. All people will participate in the autonomous region’s politics. The same goes for the New African Peoples; this doesn’t mean it’ll just be a state or regions with only black people; there’ll be white Hispanic asian etc. living and participating in politics there.

All I know is that America after de-colonization will definitely not look like it does now. Over time no doubt the autonomous regions would simply become part of the greater international Commune, but that’s a long time after Socialism has been built everywhere.

  • @SovietIntlOP
    34 years ago

    Right you see the New Afrikan Peoples have actually been promised land by the government itself, something the Black Panther Party brought up in their demands for their party line. The nation itself wouldn’t be a separatist black nation, I’m specifically talking about the difference between black Maoists and black separatism which is fundamentally different and not what the New African People seek to do. States like Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia are majority black states and one can imagine a very easy transition of those states from belonging to America to belonging to the New African Peoples. I want to emphasize that it’s not black separatism, it would be no different that white people living and participating in a black majority country like those in Africa. I’m someone who would advocate for the promotion of cultures which have been denied these people as well as the Native Americans. I believe the Soviet Union had programs that promoted local cultures in universities. I do not believe this would breed ethnic tensions, of course there would be reactionary whites in Mississippi but they’d be reactionary no matter even if it’s just Communism in general. The west is unique in that it’s largely colonized by Europeans and there are still unreconciled contradictions to this day, I don’t claim to have the solutions because there is no revolution in America or Canada, till then it’s just speculation.

    • @queer_bird
      24 years ago

      Those states are a Majority you say? Shows how ignorant I really am on the subject. Thanks for clearing that up. So not so much changing the demographics as it is about having an independant government? That makes a lot more sense of course.

      • @metal
        4 years ago

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