Anarchist article here

This is the poverty of anarchism

The white red white flag first appeared in Belarus in 1918 under German occupation of Belarus

It appeared again under nazi occupation in which the carriers of this glag collaborated with nazis, killed their jewish neighbours and killed communist partisans

It appeared again in 1991-1995 when nationalists came to the fore to help destroy the Soviet Union

It is oft featured at nazi rallys

  • @some_random_commie
    4 years ago

    The hilarious thing is getting people to take a picture in front of a flag and/or some stupid banner is all you need to do to get the “Western” “Left” on board with dropping bombs on people. They won’t bother learning more, and in their own mind, they tell themselves the workers are rising up against a “dictator.” The imperialists learned this with those silly people in Syria, and their idiotic banners.

    Of course I mean here young “Leftists”. The ones that are 30+ know it is just a con-game.