Local anarchists and antifascists arrived on the scene again but were unable to shut down the far-Right demonstration due to a massive police presence to protect the NSM rally.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      2 years ago

      As soon as fascists have an ounce of power they will turn it on us first, and there you won’t see shouting matches and light fistfights. You will see lynchings, you will see the krystallnacht, you will see mass euthanasia. The bigger difference, however, is they can stop being fascists any time they want.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
        52 years ago

        I banned them from this community, i’m pretty sure they’re a troll but i’m not entirely sold on that yet, so I’ll refrain from banning them from lemmygrad as a whole for now.

    • Kookaburra
      22 years ago

      Oh yeah, let’s confront nazis by giving hugs. That for sure would help fighting antidemocracy.