I just want to learn about all of our nice comrad on lemmy so where did you first learn about communism and when did you became a communist ? Personaly it was communist memes and something funny is that the Stalin did nothing wrong meme became more and more accurate as time went on but one that did not become more accurate but became less and less true is the Starving in communist country . Thanks in advance and sorry for the english !

  • @joeufo1
    5 years ago

    A few things:

    1. Being a child during 9/11 and the Bush years. Growing up during the financial crisis.

    2. The Michael Moore documentary Capitalism: A Love Story.

    • This got me thinking about the inherent contradictions in capitalism, but I never really made any concrete connections.
    1. Getting involved in a political campaign back in 2016, witnessing political machines operating up close and personal in real time, and seeing the disastrous results that came from the various elections taking place in 2016.
    • This made me wonder if true reform was ever possible. Seemed like the less Republican-lite the Democratic party tried to be, the more openly racist and openly fascist the Republican party became.
    1. Most importantly, the Chapo Trap House interview with Marianne Williamson.
    • This was the incident that allowed me to stand back and see the bigger picture. She has some (in retrospect) painfully self-unaware thoughts on economics and society that really got me thinking. She wasn’t making the connection between society’s ills and capitalism, or the solution and socialism, but I was finally making those connections. Her selfawarewolf-ness helped me make the jump.