• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 21st, 2023

  • Thanks for that additional info. I’ll poke around a bit and see what I can find since you also mentioned hosting Matrix(I run an instance personally so will check usage info on mine). I’ll fully admit most of my experience is with the big 3 cloud companies, at least professionally.

    I’ll also echo what another comrade mentioned in that a CDN would be helpful here.

  • I think it is safe to say we might need a bit more information to make a good suggestion here. Like how much storage do you currently need?

    As said by others AWS(also GCP and Azure) can get really nasty with lock in(both egress fees and their specific offerings). All 3 are also US based so there is a chance they shut you down because they don’t like the content.

    Happy to discuss it a bit more and see where I can help.

  • I appreciate the effort here. One major flaw I see in your argument is ignoring historical context. You point to the CPC being very wealthy and owning a large amount oy stock and businesses and use that to argue other parties should too, but you leave off the how and why the CPC owns so much. It wasn’t as you argue others should do, by out competing capitalists, but rather due to their actions after their successful revolution. I’d suggest elaborating more on this to see if you can reconcile some issues in your proposal. Additionally I’d consider how capitalists are trying currently to do what you suggest the communist parties do, to essentially buy out all competition.

  • comrade_nomadtoMemesOk Now This is Epic
    4 months ago

    A quick scan of the article makes it clear what they mean here:

    A political party with an armed wing

    Looking at it through that lense it isn’t a terrible take but a gross oversimplification of Hezbollah

  • For the exercise if you can add a bit more it could help with getting tired when you want to sleep.

    Yea like I said I understand the diet one might not be possible to change much with that.

    I suppose pen and paper could be part of a winding down routine. Maybe spend a bit of time before bed writing down anything on your to do list or on your mind. It might help with falling asleep easier