So like, in my danganronpa fanfiction I’ve sort of hit a dead end, as everyone hates everyone else for being different ideologies. I want to have a scene where Pavel convinces them to put their differences aside temporarily so they don’t all get murdered after the first class trial, but I feel like that would be pushing the apolitical “muh politics bad let’s all be friends line.” However, the alternative would be him just sitting in his room all day thinking about shit until somebody dies.

Any thoughts?

  • Soviet Snake
    1 year ago

    Well, I mean they got together to fight against the Japanese imperialists, maybe it wasn’t for too long, but that means quite a lot too. Also China’s policy of non interventionism means kind of the same since they “make a truce” with the local bourgeoisie of exploited countries, since it is not the same with their own Chinese national bourgeoisie whom they exploit.